Star Story
My animation/art journey started in college with this animated short film I made for my Audio and Music Production Capstone called Star Story. I wrote, performed, recorded, and animated all of the art, music, and sound fx (except the cricket sounds) that you will experience in this film. Yes, including that. I hope you enjoy.
Star Story. An animated short film produced by Jasmine Bailey
It really bothered me that the cricket sounds in Star Story were the only piece of the film that wasn’t my own. I spent the summer in 2020 recording the evening crickets to redeem myself. In the summer of 2021 I used the sounds I had recorded and a polyend tracker with more of my samples to create this music and small animation.
Crickets. An animated short film produced by Jasmine Bailey
A semester long project in a Stop Motion Animation class during my last semester at WCSU in 2017 about the struggles with your inner critic. I composed, performed, and recorded all sounds and music, as well as was the animator and artist for this project.
Abracadabra. A short film produced by Jasmine Bailey
I Just Want A Puppy
I wrote and recorded this song sometime in 2019. In 2020 I found it in my files and decided to animate some visuals with it. I was going for a post it note type effect. Truly, I’d love to have a dog again some day.
I Just Want a Puppy. A small animation/music video produced by Jasmine Bailey